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Review requests

Reconsideration of decisions

Providers can ask us to reconsider and review some regulatory decisions. 

The process is also open to:

  • quality assessors who've had their registration cancelled
  • those applying to be assessors who've had their registration application refused.

For more information, read the Regulatory Bulletin – Reconsideration of regulatory decisions.

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal can also review the reconsideration decision.

How to apply

Write to us within 14 days of receiving the original decision. 

Explain your reasons for the request.

Approved providers

Complete the Application for reconsideration form.

Submit the form as follows.


Send your request to

Use the subject heading: ‘Director Reviews and Reconsiderations – Urgent request for reconsideration’.


Attn: Director Reviews and Reconsiderations
Urgent Request for Reconsideration
PO Box 9819
Brisbane QLD 4001

Quality assessor decisions

Submit your request using one of the channels below.


Send to

Use the subject heading: ‘Director Reviews and Reconsiderations – Urgent request for reconsideration – Quality Assessor Registration’.


Attn: Director Reviews and Reconsiderations
Urgent Request for Reconsideration – Quality Assessor Registration
PO Box 9819Brisbane QLD 4001

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