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National Aged Care Provider Conference 2023. Our approach to assessing and monitoring quality aged care. Presentation by Anthony Speed Executive Director, Quality Assessment and Monitoring.


thumbnail - Our approach to assessing and monitoring quality aged care
Publication date

This example response supports the information providers need to consider when reporting inappropriate use of restrictive practices in the My Aged Care portal.

SIRS notification example response inappropriate restrictive practices PDF document in white text over teal background.
Publication date
Fact sheet,
Procedural fairness thumbnail
Publication date

This poster for aged care staff sets out the 8 facts you need to know about the residents you support to:

  • ensure residents receive nutritious and appealing meals they can eat
  • notice early warning signs of decreased appetite and/or weight loss
  • act early to prevent malnutrition.


Image of 8 facts about each resident fact sheet
Publication date

This Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) fact sheet covers the reporting of incidents relating to Reportable incidents: unlawful sexual contact or inappropriate sexual conduct. The fact sheet has been developed for providers of home services.

Fact sheet,
SIRS Home services - Reportable incidents: unlawful sexual contact or inappropriate sexual conduct
Publication date

A fact sheet outlining the key changes impacting providers under the new Commission Rules, relating to the Aged Care Quality Standards (Quality Standards).

Fact sheet,
Cover Image Transitional Arrangements Fact Sheet - Aged Care Quality Standards - Branded
Publication date

This webinar explored the early lessons and emerging trends since the extension of the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) to home services on 1 December 2022. The discussion focused on the importance of quality reporting and shared insights learned since 1 December 2022.


Early lessons learned from SIRS in home services image
Publication date

Download the How to stay active and enjoy yourself during COVID-19 images for social media, email and web.

White text: How to stay active and enjoy yourself during COVID-19 on green background with three circles with icons for: figures stretching, a figure reading a book and laptop with figure on screen and music notes
Publication date

Six steps for safe prescribing antipsychotics and benzodiazepines in residential aged care.

If you’re thinking of prescribing these medicines to manage the behaviours and psychological symptoms of dementia, follow these 6 steps.

Fact sheet,
Six steps for safe prescribing screenshot
Publication date

The Commissioner wrote to approved providers on 7 December 2020 about visitor access in a COVID-normal world

Publication date

Older Australians, particularly those that reside in residential aged care settings or in multigenerational households, are vulnerable to the ongoing risk of contracting and becoming seriously ill from COVID-19 and other highly infectious illnesses such as influenza and gastroenteritis.


Fact sheet,
are you alert and ready thumbnail
Publication date

The spread of COVID-19 is increasing across the community and in residential aged care services. Of all the treatment measures available to services, rapid access to oral antivirals could make the biggest difference to consumers if they become infected with COVID-19.


Fact sheet,
Top half of fact sheet showing an elderly woman talking with a doctor, followed by two columns of text
Publication date
Last updated

The Prudential Standards contained in the Aged Care Act 1997 (Act) and the Fees and Payments Principles 2014 (No. 2) detail your responsibilities for the use and management of your residents' refundable accommodation deposits (RADs).

Section 52G-3 of the Act states that the Minister for Aged Care may set a maximum amount of accommodation deposit. Currently, this maximum amount is $550,000 as a RAD (or the equivalent Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP)).

Fact sheet,
Overcharged accommodation payments
Publication date

Complete this form if the Commission requires you to give a final report that includes specified further information about a Priority 1 reportable incident under subsection 95E(1) of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Rules 2018.

final report on reportable incident form sirs
Publication date
Last updated

Part of a fact sheet series related to Key changes under the new Commission Act and Rules

As part of the application for accreditation and re-accreditation, applicants must include ‘any other information or documents specified by the Commissioner’. This replaces the previous requirement for submission of self-assessment information. The new requirement covers self-assessment material as well as any other information or documents specified by the Commissioner.

Fact sheet,
Request for specified information key changes fact sheet image
Publication date

This document contains a summary of all available resources for SIRS as at 15 December 2022


SIRS resources  (PDF  876.92 KB)
SIRS Resources
Publication date

In this short video, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner Janet Anderson provides an overview for approved residential aged care providers of the Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) which commenced on 1 April 2021.

SIRS overview video thumbnail image
Publication date

An activity to raise awareness of the importance of identity culture and diversity

Design your care activity brochure - thumbnail image
Publication date

It is important that residential aged care staff support residents to make choices about their food, drink and dining.

thumbnail providing choice